Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Meek and Greene - FL US Senate Race

After listening to the Palm Beach Post's live debate for the last 1.5 hours with Democrat candidates Jeff Greene and Kendrick Meek for U.S. Senate, I can honestly say that Greene can no longer make a case that Meek is unelectable. Greene's massive wealth will not catapult him into being the Democratic nominee.

Kendrick Meek won this debate. I did not agree with either one of them on certain issues such as agreeing to Anchor Babies, Stimulus and just following Party line. Greene likes Sotomayor and is for liberal Supreme Court justices. By this admission alone, he will not get my vote. Meek answered it well by stating that justices should not be projecting their political thinking into decisions but make sure that Federal Law is in line.

Greene hit below the belt by attacking Meek by saying that the only job Meek had created was a consulting job for his mother. We don't need any more sleaze in politics.

Kendrick Meek has the endorsement of Mayor Lois Frankel and he certainly impressed me.

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