Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Liberal Media

The reason why the Palm Beach Post's readership is DOWN.

Dan Moffett's statement that Lake Worth did the correct thing to "embrace diversity rather than divisiveness" is just not the facts in what the Lake Worth City Commission did last Tuesday when it denounced Arizona's 1070.

The Commission, just by putting it on the Agenda, caused divisiveness in a community where property values have fallen nearly 50% over the last two years and a City that has looked the other way on illegal immigration. This was not "good sense" as Mr. Moffett purports but rather the bad judgment of "political correctness" of liberal commissioenrs and other "well-meaning" folks who are against the law for something that MIGHT happen, racial profiling. They are protecting the "rights" of illegal aliens and are not the least bit interested in protecting our borders or our laws.

It is truly pathetic, Dan, that you suggest that they were right to give up, roll over, stand up for the criminal and not the sovereign State of Arizona and not adhere to the Constitution or to their oath of office.

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