Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Steven Carr, new Finance Director City of Lake Worth

According to the DBPR, Steven Carr has a current CPA license with the State of Florida thru December 31, 2011. His license as a Florida Certified Governmental Finance Officer is inactive. When asked about his four year gap on his resume, Mr. Carr said, "I have been retired for the last 4 years after 33 years of government service." The opportunity in Lake Worth motivated him to rejoin a career in government finance.

Mr. Carr lives in Oakland Park and was the Finance Director for Alachua County from 1983 to 2006. Alachua consists of 969 square miles and around 218,000 people.

When Mr. Carr was Finance Director there, he compiled a report that was inspired by County Commissioners who wanted a clear and uncomplicated report on the County's then $97 million budget, according to the link above. Today, Alachua County has a budget of $326.5 million.

A concise and easy to read budget is one of the goals of Lake Worth's new Financial Advisory Board. John Pickett, Vice Chair, has mentioned that very point on several occasions.

Mr. Carr begins his employment on Monday.

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