Thursday, April 15, 2010

REG Architects Timeline on Casino

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REG Proposal


  • RFP approval...April 2010
  • Existing conditions and Conceptual design...May 2010
  • Design Charrette and Stakeholders Input...Jun/July 2010
  • Complete design and Master Plan Report with Final Budget...Jul/Aug 2010
  • City review and CM At Risk selection...Aug/Sep 2010
  • Design development with City and CM at Risk input...Oct/Nov/Dec 2010
  • Construction documents...Jan/Feb/Mar 2011
  • Final permitting...Apr/May 2011
  • Construction including Tenant Relocation...June 2011 - June 2012
  • John G's relocation...late Spring 2012
  • Punch List and Move-In...Jul/Aug 2012
  • Ready to use Season...Fall 2012
Who will try and hold up the process?

1 comment:

  1. This will never happen if Lisa Maxwell gets elected.All honest work for the good of our citizens will stop. She will give our beach away to her friend, PUGGGY, who has been trying to get his greedy hands on our beach for the past twenty years.
