Monday, April 12, 2010

Section 2-21 City Code

Carla Blockson
Back in 1998 the Commission passed an Ordinance in order to take away temptation and influence peddling by sitting on a City Board by anyone running for elected office. Apparently there is a big loop hole in the Ordinance and the intent of the Commission has been circumvented.

It seems, according to the Clerk's office, that a prospective candidate can declare candidacy and have fund raisers before they even have to qualify.

Right now we have Mrs. Blockson putting out literature and having a fund-rasier without any formal qualification or paying the qualifying fee. She is a member of the Community Relations Board and I have been told that she plans on staying on this City Board up until August when she then must officially qualify.

The Commission should close up this loop hole in this Ordinance.

A person who is a member of any appointed board or committee of the city and who qualifies as a candidate for the office of mayor or city commissioner shall, prior to or at the time of qualifying, resign from the board or committee. The resignation shall be in writing, shall be addressed to and delivered to the city clerk, and shall take effect immediately.
This section shall not be construed as an additional qualification for the office of mayor or the office of city commissioner. A member of a city board or committee who qualifies as a candidate for the office of mayor or city commissioner without resigning shall be deemed to have resigned from the board or committee at the time of qualifying, creating a vacancy which shall be filled by the city commission.


On another note that pertains to a question just asked to me...Can a member of a City Board hold a campaign fund-raiser, etc. for a candidate? The answer is "yes." It is their right under the First Amendment

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