Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Message from the Sierra Club in Support of H 7107--The DCA

The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is in danger of not being reauthorized! Unless both the House and Senate vote to continue DCA as a state agency it will be in “legislative limbo” and will undergo “sunset review” every year until it is either reauthorized, abolished, or restructured with its responsibilities divided up between different agencies. Florida ’s growth management laws will be more at risk if the agency charged with their enforcement is perceived as weak and unsupported by the state.

Urge House Leadership to SUPPORT H 7107 to Reauthorize DCA and to PUT IT ON THE AGENDA for this Friday’s meeting of the House Economic Development and Community Affairs Council (Friday, April 16, 2010 from 9 am to 12 noon)

Speaker Larry Cretul: larry.cretul@myfloridahouse.gov 850.488.1450 (Speaker of the House)
Rep.Dean Cannon: >dean.cannon@myfloridahouse.gov 850.488.2742 (Incoming Speaker)
Rep. Adam Hasner >adam.hasner@myfloridahouse.gov 850.488.1993 (Majority Leader)
Rep. Dave Murzin dave.murzin@myfloridahouse.gov 850.488.8278

Rep. Murzin is chairman of the Economic Development and Community Affairs Council where HB 7107 must be heard. He has stated publicly that DCA Secretary Tom Pelham should return to private practice and has been hostile to DCA in past years. Rep. Murzin is also running for Sen. Peaden’s seat in Senate District 2. (Sen. Peaden is term limited.)

If you live in any of these District 2 counties: Bay, Escambia, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, or Washington (Senate District 2) please call Rep. Murzin and tell him that you are potentially one of his constituents and that you want HB 7107 agendaed and passed.

Also, contact Rep. Murzin’s campaign and let them know this issue is important to you as a potential constituent!

Dave Murzin Campaign
(850) 380-8249
Email: Contact Dave

Telephone calls are best (they’re hard to delete en masse.) but if you email, please put “Support and Agenda DCA” in the subject line.

HB 7107 passed the Government Accountability Act Council 14-0 on March 11 and the Senate version, CS/>S 0282, is moving and will be heard today in General Government Oversight. It will then have only one committee to go.

David J. Cullen
941-323-2404 (cell)

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