Friday, April 30, 2010

Running off at the Mouth!

Comment Up
I wanted to move this to the top of my blog again because Mr. P just keeps running off at the mouth...can't get enough of himself. Great example of a Chair of the Community Relations Board. What did we all do to deserve all this self-righteousness?

On 3 everyone--
Keep on Cheering!

Apparently Mr. P just posted on the New Times Broward/Palm is his latest missive:

Mark A. Parrilla says:

Your common sense and rational words are a refreshing addition to the thread. You must live in Lake Worth to so accurately describe the destructive duo Lynn & Katie. I am volunteering to create and become President of your fan club. We need more residents like you who aren't allergic to honesty and who believe in acknowledging FACTS and not fantasy. If posting lies and inaccuracies had a dollar value Lynn would be able to afford to buy her own home locally.

"Chearleadginly" yours,
Mark A. Parrilla

Give me an S...give me a T....give me an E...give me a V...give me an E....what do we have SSSSSSTTTTTEEEEEEEEVE!

Editor's Note: Mr. P should be given a map of the City of Lake Worth and understand where the city limits reach. He must be referring to Florida Hometown Democracy, a ballot initiative signed by over 1 million people in the State of Florida and something for which he is unwilling to learn when he says that Katie and I are destructive. We believe he is entitled to his opinion. We have offered to enlighten him on the initiative that all environmental groups are supporting such as the Sierra Club. But some people want to continue to live in a bubble and pretend that they represent all of the citizens here by being Chair of a Community Relations Board and are tolerant of other views.


  1. Mark is entitled to his opinion,even though I totally ,of course, disagree.. I wouldn't characterize myself as DESTRUCTIVE,which probably opens up a whole different topic (LOL).Nice split , Mark! Just like your personality.

  2. We request that Mark bring specifics to the table regarding facts and fantasies or just stop parroting Wes.

  3. One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!
    Water seeks its' own level!

    People with origins in the streets of America will never be anything else.Cheap misplaced sense of gang style, importance accompanies them
    That element has no respect for anything or anybody.
    This requires social and cultural
    Their behaviour proofs that there is no equality in human Society.
    Dee McNamara

  4. Not surprised to hear comments like that from someone who referred to everyone in the commission chambers as "they are but mere commoners" one night on the step of City Hall. What delusions for a person who obviously don't see their true image in the mirror very well. By true image I mean the one we are born with and cannot hide from with artificial alterations. If that is the social and cultural evolution you speak of than you can definitely keep it for it holds no value to me whatsoever. To you dee I offer the words in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Thank God Jesus didn't have your attitude or we'd be more lost than we could ever be right now. You are not saying anything I would not have expected someone like you to say. At least you are consistent and predictable in your dance of assumed elegance and importance.

    Chearleadingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  5. Mark, not being an overly religious person I can't help but see where you are quoting a lot of the Bible lately. Here's one for you--

    EPHESIONS 4:31-32 Ger rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander along with every form of malice. Be Kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

  6. Kisses and hugs to you too Lyn. Frankly your perception of me carries about as much weight as an single atom. Go figure! That important WoW! Thanks for continuing to entertain the troops. At least there is a good source of comedy when nothing funny is on cable.

    Chearleadingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  7. Glad to oblige you, Mark. You really should resign from the CRB.
