Friday, April 30, 2010

Deep water well permit approved

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This week the Florida Department of Environmental Protection issued the permit to Lake Worth to construct the deep water well.

Our Reverse Osmosis plan now goes forward without deep well permit scepticism. The DEP told us at a city hall meeting that this would be approved but there are still the cynics who continue to bring it up. Thanks to Commissioners Jennings and Mulvehill for moving this forward.

Go to the website and see our progress.

1 comment:

  1. The deep water well permit approval at short notice, was known by the real Lake Worth taxpayers. But the selfpromoting windbags,did not want us,Lake Worth to be water supply Independant!
    Cmmisioner Mulvihill who has saved Lake Worth millions of dollars, byt her business savvy votes. Commissioner Jennings, the known and established only consistent outspekn protector of minorities
    deserves recognition for this.
    Selfpromoting windbags with over blown egos, proof to all thinking Lake Worth Citizens:
    One cannot make a silk purse out
    of a sow's ear!
    A street person with street roots will never be anything else, that element proofs inequality in society.They do not pay all our taxes,so do not warrant recognition!
    No respect for anything or anybody, as exists in socially and culturally evolved Comunities!
    Dee McNamara, who lives in the highest paying tax district,a true contributor!
