Monday, April 26, 2010

Lake Worth Beach and Casino

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Lake Worth Beach is comprised of 1300 feet of guarded beach. Metered parking is available and rate is $1.50 per hour, when the meters work. We have great shops where you can buy unique T-Shirts at Barry's, jewelry at Lorraine's, swim suits at Dot Pickett's and much much more. The restaurants are wonderful with yummy food. You like pizza? The casino has the best pizza shop. Also, if you want, you can fish or stroll off the Lake Worth Pier. To walk out on our Pier costs $1 plus tax and the views are magnificent with plenty of seating.

Don't look to swim at our Olympic Pool just yet. Joe Kroll and crew are repairing the long, neglected Pump House due to "safety and sanitary reasons."

Resident decals go on sale today for the new decal fiscal year beginning May 1. Don't forget to bring a few ID's such as your vehicle registration and Utility bill.

Although the city web's site still directs you to City Hall to buy your decal, you must now buy them at the LW Utility Administration building at 1900 2nd Avenue North behind Publix. Last year the cost doubled to $20 plus tax and as I recall, Joe Kroll presented another price increase of 50% that was passed by the Commission.

Soon we will be moving forward with restoring the Lake Worth Casino. Our citizens "lucked out" (or was it sheer brilliance from the dais by two commissioners, Jennings and Mulvehill?) when the "favorite" architect became REG, as he, with his design, will help with historical designation, getting financing, obtaining grants and incorporate green features. We never would have been able to get valuable historical designation in an art deco design. Preserving our past is very important. Historical designation is a distinction that will give this building world appeal.


  1. You make Lake Worth sound so nice. We are in the midst of looking at houses between the turnpike and 441 in Lake Worth. We know nothing about the area and I just found your blog while searching for info.

  2. Hi Coin guy-
    I have lived in LW for most of my life. It is a great little city. Where you are looking to buy is in the County of PB but you will still be a short distance to our wonderful beach.
