Monday, April 26, 2010

Enforcing Federal Law - Illegal immigration

Today, the headlines in the Palm Beach Post read" Illegal immigrants paying taxes?" Well, I guess they didn't read Lake Worth's Resolution stating that we are to call illegals "undocumented." They went on to tell us that many illegals are paying taxes and intimated that perhaps they weren't such a drain on our society. It was stated that more undocumented workers are filing tax returns without giving us any percentage or specifics. We know better.

It is estimated that there are close to 23 million illegal immigrants in our country and our liberal federal government is considering amnesty. President Obama has condemned Arizona's recent decision. The question posed in the Post was "Do illegal immigrants cost society more than they add? They are costing us plenty--nearly 398 billion dollars in special services. They are illegal and the crossing of our borders needs to stop now.

Numbers USA says: As you are probably aware, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070, the immigration enforcement legislation that will allow Arizona's State and local police agencies to enforce our nation's immigration laws. Specifically, this law

  • allows police officers to ask for proof of residency if they suspect an individual is in the country illegally,
  • allows illegal aliens to be jailed and fined up to $2500,
  • bans "soft" immigration policies at local police agencies that prevent officers from asking about a suspect's immigration status,
  • allows Arizonans to sue if they feel a government agency has adopted a policy that hinders the enforcement of illegal immigration laws,
  • prohibits people from blocking traffic when they seek or offer day-labor services on street corners,
  • and makes it illegal for people to transport illegal aliens if the drivers of vehicles know their passengers are in the country illegally and if the transportation furthers their illegal presence in the country.

  • It is important to note that this bill does not mandate the use of E-Verify because a 2007 Arizona law already mandates its use by all employers.

    Because Congress refuses to deal with America's illegal immigration problem, it is likely that more and more states will follow Arizona's lead and take matters into their own hands.

    Please send your state legislators a fax and let them know that now is the time to pass tough immigration enforcement legislation in your state, given the national interest in Arizona's crackdown."

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