Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Whistleblowers- -Andres, Howard and Larry

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I was just thinking about Andres Reyes, former Director of Engineering at LW Utilities being the bravest guy in the world right along with Howard Jordan and Larry Drenski. Crazy-dudes all three of them—crazy-brave and much admired!

This security breach that was covered up was first noticed nearly one year ago when one of these men noticed that a test RTU set-up in the office was connected to the SCADA system. It was disconnected as it was not configured for the system at that time. Not only did this happen once but twice. Who was in there messing with the SCADA system? No one fessed up. That is when it was reported and that is when all hell broke lose and subsequent loss of jobs and livelihood and a law suit that continues today. They even had Mayor Clemens, on more than one occasion, in a public meeting saying that they were "liars."

Larry Drenski joined the Reyes/Jordan complaint later to the objection of the City. However, the Judge ruled that he could be a part of the suit. CLICK HERE to read the Docket Report.

We all know that when you are a whistle-blower, the risks are all weighted like the bottom end of a see saw. All three of these men had no self-doubt, however, when they blew the whistle. Committing economic suicide for principle is not an every day occurrence. To put your life on-hold for what you consider "right" is to be admired.

Now I hear that Tom Rutherford has been terminated. I was told by a source that Becky Mattey told him a a week ago that it was her intent to fire him. Some at the Utility say there are more firings to come--that she is on the war path.

If politicians had half the guts of Andres, Howard and Larry, our country would be in better shape. You have to be principally driven, not personally driven. By standing up for what is "right" and taking the high ground, everyone else is coming at you from a lower place.

1 comment:

  1. Becky Mattey needs to be fired. She is nothing more than a cheerleader for FMPA. If she had her way, Lake Worth would still be a prisoner of FMPA. Becky Mattey and her gross incompetence that has cost us millions.Good employees got fired by this witch.Someone was probably trying to sabotage our system further, to prevent us from leaving FMPA. I think Mattey was up to her neck in what happened and fired our engineers to cover her own trail.
