Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nathaniel Brazill

I just got another comment on an old opinion piece on Nathaniel Brazill from someone who for whatever reason wants to believe that I have been too hard on this cold blooded murderer. Regardless of whether he was tried as an adult or as the punk kid that he was, he DID get a second chance--he got 28 years in prison for shooting his teacher, Barry Grunow, at close range. The reason?--he was having a rotten day. Luckily he didn't get life.

He left school, got his grandfather's gun, walked back to school and shot his teacher. This was done with forethought. This has nothing to do with the fact that the kid is black. It has nothing to do with the fact that who he shot was white. Racism has nothing to do with what this kid did or the sentence he received as the poster implies. I don't care if he were a green Martian. He was a killer. Hopefully he is getting the help that he obviously and desperately needs for taking a life--killing his teacher that day. Anyone who did what he did has the capacity for more violence.

The Court decided this case. Nathaniel Brazill is paying the consequences. The Court will decide if his penance is enough should he be so lucky as to get out of prison early. At least he is being given a chance at life. Barry Grunow will never get his chance.

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