Sunday, March 28, 2010

Library Board - New Appointee Brian Smith

Our present library was built in 1940 thanks to the Pioneers. They raised money as well as the collection of books that had grown to 10,000 through the efforts of an appeal by the Lucerne Herald newspaper that was sent to 6,000 people throughout the country. They said at the time that they were very proud that they didn't accept one dime of federal money. Unlike the mindset of a lot of people today, their philosophy was "Where Federal money goes, Federal control follows."

Brian Smith, featured above, applied to our Library Board and was a shoo-in as he was the only candidate. Highly qualified, he has been a professional librarian for three years with a Master's Degree in Library Science and Information. He had wanted to work at our Lake Worth Library just a short distance from the home he owns on North K Street but Lake Worth has a hiring freeze. He is working at the Delray Beach public library. Brian belongs to the Palm Beach County Library Association, the FLA and the ALA.

Lake Worth is extremely lucky to have a new resident that loves our city and wants to volunteer his time and expertise to our Lake Worth Library. Welcome Brian.

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