Sunday, March 28, 2010

McGow is Under Water



  1. Remember the opening of our "new" pool presided over by Jeff Clemens ? (free watermelon and tacos for everybody )! Why did the posters on Tom's page think a pool was so great then ? Why didn't they protest the almost 500,000 dollars given to Greater Bay and Pugh pools ? Dennis Dorsey DID do a lot of talking-he tried to tell anyone that would listen that we were all getting ripped off !Thanks to Lynn for the pictures of a horrible pump room that shows just how badly we were robbed.Who signed off on this mess? Repairing what we have is the only feasible solution now.Hey Tom, why don't you show a graphic about our pool that really shows what happened? Willard running away with our money, while Dave Vespo ,Jeff Clemens and their supporters play in a deflated kiddie pool ? Better yet, why don't the real journalists question the staff and people who were in charge of this mess and ask them whose pocket my tax dollars ended up in ? They damn sure didn't pay for the promised repairs.

  2. I did not know that Tom owned OUR Olympic size swimmingpool where thousands of children have learned and will learn to swim, and aquatic aerobics for seniors to prevent osteoporosis etc..We have a budget deficit because of fiscal mismanagement.I understand he has only one adopted challenged child,
    which does not represent all thousands of Lake Worth children.Small minds have small ideas.He suggested a smaller pool, (kiddie foot bath?) instead of the pride of Lake Worth and the County, our OLYMPIC SIZE Palm Beach Island Ocean front, SWIMMING POOL, WHICH MANAGED PROPERLY,,, CAN MAKE a fortune. Small minds cannot imagine that!We have been a victim of small minds long enough!
    Result: Ocean front Beach resort Lake Worth is a poor Town!!!!
    Dee McNamara
