Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shattered Dreams

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Kevin Addison,
son of James Addison, Pioneer Family

Kevin was late for his Appreciation Day on Tuesday night for all his great work on hurricane seminars. The City was presenting him with a Proclamation declaring January 5, 2010 as Kevin Addison Appreciation Day. Kevin was involved in an automobile accident at 6th Avenue South and D Street. A hit-and-run driver crashed into his vehicle. Kevin managed to get the license plate number and the driver was tracked down. Kevin said, "I was hit by an illegal."

These sorts of crimes are happening with more frequency. Crimes are up in Lake Worth and our city elected officials encourage the problem of illegal immigration saying that to live here is their God given right...that these people have a "legal and moral imperative to live in our community." Not only are illegals costing taxpayers a fortune, these people have the arrogance to take a walk to Washington, D.C. in order to demand some sort of "rights" they feel they are entitled to for breaking our laws. Along with 50 citizens, lunch was provided to them yesterday at the illegal labor hiring hall. Did the taxpayers pick up the tab?

We think it appropriate to start a "Shattered Dreams Walk" and document all of the crimes committed by illegal aliens and all the costs associated with their living here illegally. Anyone want to start?

1 comment:

  1. I/m glad that Kevin is okay. Kevin makes resident number 4 THAT I KNOW OF !! (there are probably a lot more) that has been hit by uninsured drivers on 6th ave south in the last year.Two of these accidents involved illegal,uninsured drivers,One I don't know their immigration status,but they were uninsured.In three of the cases the drivers tried to flee the scene. I'm not counting the tragic accident at Sunset and 6th where a car with 4 passengers crashed into a concrete pole and one person died. Alcohol was involved. Has the redesign of 6th by the CRA contributed? The accidents do seem more frequent now. Maybe I'm just paying more attention .I wonder how many cars stopped at the speed check point on Sunset and 6th are uninsured? I think I'll ask the guys next time they are there.I would LOVE to see a walk of shattered dreams to illustrate the plight of the U.S. citizens that have been victimized by the illegals in our country.If you're an illegal,you're a criminal. No other nation in the world has such nonexistent, crappy border control.
