Saturday, January 2, 2010

Crime on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day

You would think that these bums would be doing something else for the New Year but oh no.

Breaking & Entering…3
Other…14 (I would love to know what crimes are in this category)
Quality of Life…4
Traffic…10 (all those drunks on New Year’s Eve!)
Proactive Policing…2
Property Crime…1

Why it's so important to eradicate graffiti quickly

At least the Feds in conjunction with the PB County Sheriff's Department have done something about the Gangs, some of whom hang out and live in Lake Worth. 12 members of the MLK gang were arrested in December that are involved in murder, car theft and armed robbery, drive-bys and drugs.

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said, "Two years ago, when we said to the gangs, 'We're coming after you,' we meant that. Our gang is better (and) bigger."

Here's to a safer 2010.

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