Thursday, January 14, 2010

America always out front

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Living in the greatest country in the World and always the most generous, the US always is millions of steps ahead of the rest, even when we are over $12 trillion in debt. If you notice the stats below, China has pledged $1 million. The Treasury Department estimates that our debt to China is approximately $776.4 billion, having grown more than $240 billion in the last year. That is more than $10,000 in debt for the average American working family. I have never understood the complaint that when it comes to tragedies, we should do more.
President Obama says $100 million is the first installment.

Funding, committed and uncommitted $

World Bank (emergency loan) 100000000
US 100,000,000
Private (individuals & organizations) 13250818
UN & agencies 10000000
UK 10000000
Australia 8992806
Canada 5000000
Japan 5000000
European Commission 4400000
Netherlands 2886003
Switzerland 1941748
Denmark 1939394
Finland 1803752
Italy 1548002
Germany 1443001
Guyana 1000000
China 1,000,000
Estonia 1000000
New Zealand 1000000
Russian Federation 700000
Belgium 651876
Inter-American Development Bank 200000
Greece 144300
Sweden 61848
TOTAL 273963548
For Information on how to DONATE

Photo by Logan Abassi/U.S./The AP


  1. Americans have always responded with generosity towards other countries in times of crisis.

    I believe it is because we are essentially a nation of immigrants, each one of us having ties to countries across the globe.

    America helps in the same way a family will go further into debt to provide aid and comfort to their relatives in time of need.

  2. Lets all keep praying for Haiti,and I give thanks that I live in a country that can offer, and chooses to offer, aid in a time of tragedy.
