Monday, December 21, 2009

Some Nuts are Hard to Crack

Yesterday, the Justice Department asked for a reversal on the recent court ruling that ended all government funding to ACORN. It said that it was unconstitutional.

ACORN has received more than $53 million in federal funds and Congress, with a margin of 4 to 1, pulled the plug in September.

The Center for Constitutional Rights filed a motion yesterday as well asking U.S. District Judge, Nina Gershon, to amend her ruling to include the new federal budget provisions signed into law by President Barack Obama the previous day that also called for halting federal funds to ACORN. This group says that Congress violated the Fifth Amendment, the right to due process and also cited the First Amendment.

Showing fiscal restraint, in spite of appointing liberal judges, most of us cheered when President Obama cracked down on this group. Cracking nuts can be difficult.

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