Monday, December 21, 2009

Community Development Block Grant of $250,000

With a laundry list of items, Tropical Ridge definitely presented its case for the CDBG Grant money of $250,000. This program is one of the longest continuously run programs of HUD.

HUD is the organization that determines the amount of each grant by using a formula which comprises community need and the extent of poverty.

In need of just about everything from sidewalks, parking stripes, speed bumps, a dog park and pocket parks, Tropical Ridge fits two of the criteria for this Grant: a lot of the neighborhood is riddled with slum and blight; it is populated by some who are poor or of moderate income. The third one is that the money can be used to fit a particular urgency such as a disaster caused by a hurricane, as an example or some condition that would be a threat to the health and welfare of the community.

As explained by Carlos Serrano with the Palm Beach County HDC, the City is allowed to take on three projects that fit within these guidelines and many citizens attended the meeting at The Osborne Center tonight and a few voiced their needs and wants. One of the criteria for obtaining this grant is for public participation.

Every six years the City identifies the target area which at present is in a six block radius going as far north as 7th Avenue North and ending at 17th Avenue South between A and H streets. The last time this target area was identified was in 2003. Lake Worth is allowed, however, to use the funds out of this area.

January 20th is the deadline for the municipal applicants. All the suggestions will be presented to the Commission by Staff for its decision in a future commission meeting.

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