Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mortgage delinquencies

Supreme Court of Florida Administrative Order on Foreclosure Cases

"Foreclosure case filings in Florida trial courts stood at nearly 369,000 in December, 2008. At the beginning of the last quarter of 2009, foreclosure filings statewide totaled in excess of 296,000.

Florida has the third highest mortgage delinquency rate, the worst foreclosure investory and the most foreclosure starts in the nation. At the close of 2009, it is estimated there will be an inventory of approximately 456,000 pending foreclosure cases statewide. The crisis continues unabated."
Source: Becker/Polikoff

Monday's paper noted that there is a new surge in mortgage broker applications, double the amount of last year. Loan modifers have been added to the list of those needing a license with nearly 4,000 complaints this year alone regarding these types of companies with 53 of them located in PB County. During the height of the housing boom in 2006 there were 26,585 mortgage broker license applications.

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