Monday, December 28, 2009

Application filed to build in Intracoastal Waterway

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The Application

3/4's of a mile south of the Lake Worth Bridge on the Intracoastal Waterway, William Donner of Aventura, Florida, has made application to build 21 mutli-family townhouses along with a pool, recreation center, parking and 2 bridges that will connect the proposed island to A1A.

This property is just south of the submerged property that was leased to Steinhart for 99 years by the City of lake Worth. The fill will cover 1.94 acres and it will impact 2.72 acres of navigable waters.

The Army Corp of Engineers has reported that it may affect the smalltooth sawfish, the endangered West Indian manatee and Johnson's sawgrass.


  1. E-mail comment from Drew Martin

    I just talked to Krista, this project would permit storm water to be dumped from the property directly into the Lagoon with no treatment only a dry retention area. It would fill in the Lagoon and cause traffic problems.

    She said we have to comment by written comment not verbal. The city should go on record opposing this project. I would recommend a resolution by the City Commission stating that the City of Lake Worth opposes this project because the Lake Worth Lagoon is already stressed by an abundance of runoff into the Lagoon, that the traffic is already significant in this area, and that the shallow areas of the Lagoon provide habitat for wading birds, juvenile fish that provide fish stock for the future, and Manatee who survive on sea grass.

    This project would seriously increase pollution into the Lagoon and the tide would bring that pollution directly into our city waters.

    Drew Martin

    Sierra Club

  2. Who cares about dead fish and water pollution ! I'm a growth pig and I paid good money for all of these county officials in my pocket ! What I want is more important than anything! I can make TONS of money selling waterfront houses to other growth pigs. We can have a guarded entrance!!! And a pool that serves cocktails!!!! P.S.hi,Dave OINK OINK !!!!
