Wednesday, December 30, 2009

GPS cell phone for Illegals

I believe in entrepreneurship and the free enterprise system; it’s what has made America great. I also am a big believer in people giving back to society. But I couldn't believe my ears when I heard about this on Fox News yesterday--sometimes you have to wonder what people are thinking when they invent a GPS cell phone for illegals to find water when they have illegally crossed our aid them in a criminal act against the United States.

There are a couple of professors at the University of California aided by grants, developing software that will integrate with a GPS transponder cell phone. This will be ready by summer. The phone costs about $30 and they will be giving these free phones to illegals so that they can find water and not die of thirst while sneaking into our country. To top it off, there is actual technology that you can buy at retail stores that will give illegals the best routes for success in entering our country illegally.

These left-wing professors believe that this is an act of kindness. They believe that they are humanitarians in this growing illegal alien nightmare that has cost this country nearly 398 billion dollars in social services in the last 13 years. The real irony is that the Border Patrol has just started a $6.7-billion project to drape the border with high tech equipment such as cameras and sensors.

Will the new GPS phone eliminate the dialing 1 for English?

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