Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crime Stats for Lake Worth

Comment Up

December 10 – December 30
December 20, 21, 22, 23, 28 not included


Breaking and Entering…40


Theft of vehicle…7 with 1 recovery






Quality of Life…21

Proactive Policing…15



  1. Lyn,

    First, many wishes of a healthy happy prosperous New Year to you. These stats are scary! I have spoken to a reformed Haitian gang member who I have invited to the next CRB meeting and he is interested in applying for the vacant seat. I hope that whether he gets selected or not he will make himself available to volunteer when we organize speaking events in our public schools. He has a POWERFUL message! The concerned residents of our city need to realize that we need to become more involved in actions that will improve this town we love so much no matter what are differences in ideals. Let us show anyone who dares to think that they will diminish our quality of life any further than what it already has is not welcome in Lake Worth.

  2. Lyn,

    I didn't realize that using my aim screen name would not show my name. That was not intentional as you well know I was one of your readers who advocated against anonymous postings. I will never post my comment anonymously on anyone's blog. The previous posting by markanthony2010 is authored by none other than Mark A. Parrilla. :-)

    Happy New Year wishes from:
    Mark, Jeff, Phinnaeus & Claire

  3. pretty scary. I hope we do more at the level of our children to try to get them to stop thinking that gangs are cool and glamorous. My sister is a teacher,and she has KINDERGARTEN kids that are flashing gang signs !Unfortunately, some of these kids PARENTS are gang members-young,uneducated,and in a large majority of the cases that my sister has to deal with, illegal aliens.

  4. @kkss21-It is very scary indeed. I know what your sister goes through my partner has been a teacher in Palm Beach County over 20 years the last 9 in Lake Worth. He began giving free English classes at night to the parents of his kindergarten students, who are mostly undocumented immigrants here illegally, so that they can participate in the eduction of their children. You are right it's scary to see children that age throwing up gang signs. I speak at his school every year on career day and I see this with my own eyes and it makes me want to cry. That is why I am putting a lot of effort and energy into creating a task force through the CRB to coordinate speaking engagements in our schools by former reformed gang members. Possibly also set something up with the Sheriff's Dept. and the Dept. of Corrections to take groups of children into the PBC Jail to get a glimpse of what awaits them or possibly have them visit a funeral service of a murdered gang member. We have to take drastic preventive measures to save our children and in turn our future.

    Hope 2010 is the horizon to a march toward creating a cleaner, safer prosperous city.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  5. The Lake Worth Commission says :There are no illegals,so whatever they do is legal,burglaries,robberies in the stores, murders rapes, etc.etc. is legal in Lake Worth.
    The Commission welcomes the gangs in Lake Worth,the grafitti(no illegals)is wlecome as they are not illegal.
    What they forget is, they did not create this City with Laws and no one forces them to live here,

    Citizens of Lake Worth taxpayers since 1913 want their City with Laws, the lawless bums should create their own City and live with their own kind, in the sewer they created. Third world creatures come here,
    after they turned their living areas into lawless sewers with overpopulation impossible to feed by one family head without a job,

    and want to bring that culture here.
    We see the evidence daily.
    Reinstate laws to make living civilized lives!

    Dee McNamara
