Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dr. Steve Rosen's Story and Florida Hometown Democracy - Part I

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Over the next several Sundays, we will be printing Dr. Steve Rosen’s story and why he became involved in Florida Hometown Democracy. Steve is one of the biggest supporters of Florida Hometown Democracy, not only philosophically, but financially.

Steve Rosen is a native Floridian, 58 years old, who attended the University of Miami and Florida International University. He graduated from FIU in 1973. He graduated from Emory University School of Dentistry in 1977 and practiced dentistry for 17 years.

In 1985 he invented a skin care product that clears ingrown hairs and razor bumps. He says, "It took nine years to traverse the learning curve." He never borrowed money for the business and paid off a ton of debt from his dental practice and school loans and now says, “I am fortunate to be able to be a part of Florida Hometown Democracy.”

The gopher tortoise digs and lives in burrows


By Dr. Steve Rosen


Mainstream media and opponents of Florida Hometown Democracy are refusing to cover my participation in this project. They have harped on another business owner from south Florida because he is a strip club owner thinking to discredit the effort on that basis. This is a typical attack fronted by opponents who have no substantive argument against passage of FHD other than it hurts their personal pocketbooks. They know it and we know it. None of them have the guts to face Lesley Blackner in a debate. Instead they pay some two-bit hired mouth to parrot their points so they themselves can avoid her. They are afraid to the bone of Lesley Blackner. This is a good thing.

I am the animal activist in the core FHD group. My participation stems from frustration based on the following account which the Florida Sun Sentinel refused to cover even after I personally handed a stack of documents to Dave Fleshler, a reporter who covers environmental issues. To this date Fleshler denies my claim that his bosses carefully screen stories so as not to annoy their benefactors, powers that be or whomever they answer to. Here is my account.

In 1991, and what is now the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, all gubernatorial appointees and all earning their income from the development industry, decided to help their fellow developers save time and money. They issued a dictum stating that no longer would developers have to painstakingly dig up Florida Gopher Tortoises from their six foot deep and up to thirty foot long tunnels so that land development would not kill these animals and the 200 plus other species that inhabit these tunnels. One such inhabitant is the East Indigo Snake which is protected under the Endangered Species Act, a law despised by the Commission and their ilk. They had to keep the Ponzi development scheme going no matter the cost.

After endless whining by developers, the Commission said “no problem”. Starting in 1991 developers were allowed to cough up some money to purchase ITP’s or “Incidental Take Permits.” As you will see the word “incidental’ should be changed to “Massive” take permit because that is exactly what happened.

The fees paid were “supposedly” to permit state officials to purchase other tortoise habitat for “mitigation” purposes, i.e. preserving other habitat to replace habitat lost to the bulldozer.

From 1991 until 2007 when the Commission finally ended the practice, developers literally buried alive over 90,000 gopher tortoises plus whatever else was inhabiting the tunnels at the time including Federally protected East Indigo Snakes which by law, the Florida Wildlife Commission cannot interfere with.

I learned about this mass killing in 2005 and immediately filed suit against the Fla. Fish and Wildlife “Con”mission. They immediately filed a Motion To Dismiss.

Next Sunday, Part II of Dr. Rosen's story.


  1. DR Rosen is an example that we should all follow.He is using his money to help the helpless and the voiceless,the animals Some people say so what if a stupid turtle gets killed? This is probably the same crowd that wants to sweep Mayor Varelas participation in the slaughter of dolphins under the rug. God calls us to be stewards of the planet. Thank you ,Dr. Rosen.

  2. Amendment 4 wouldn't be on the ballot without Steve's commitment and generosity.

  3. Comment from Dr. Rosen--

    Good start on my story! I don’t even want to read the story on Dolphin trafficking as I know about that. Its sickening. The Cuban government is one of the worst. Miami Seaquarium participates in a breeding program. I have personally videotaped their scummy people literally masterbating a male dolphin to extract the sperm.

    We did a video undercover mission there back in 2004 and exposed hundreds of building and life safety code violations that cost them a media frenzy and a ton of money to fix. We literally shut down there large dolphin show tank.

    I did an undercover sting with a detective and filmed them selling beer to a minor which they have done for DECADES. Their penalty? A $20 fine for letting their beer license expire. The owner Arthur Hertz is well connected in Miami Dade County.

    That place is a rat hole. You would not believe how many animals die not only at Seaquarium but even MORE, hundreds, at Seaworld. Of course the media never covers it.

    See for details and photos. Its sickening.

    I actually got tossed out of Seaquarium for filming Lolita’s rotting lower anterior canines that government inspectors say are fine. Bullcrap. I practiced dentistry long enough to know when there is a problem. Her teeth are rotted to the gum line from chewing on the concrete in her tank as a stress reliever.

    It goes on and on. The laws protecting marine mammals were written to protect the parks not the animals. The politics and money are rampant in this sham industry.

    As usual, the public is oblivious.


  4. Actually ,Amendment 4 and the insane ,unwanted building that is going on in Florida,,animal abuse that is ignored,it is all intertwined by a common thread-CORRUPTION. Corrupt elected officials that don't have to answer to the people-just their campaign contributors.Maybe we can begin to get honest,responsible officials into office once Amendment 4 is passed and the crooks get washed out of office for lack of millions in corrupt ,developer funded campaigns.Maybe we will begin to get elected officials that actually want to run for the GOOD,and not for the PROFIT.
