Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Cove tonight--on Dolphin Trafficking

LIVE CHAT tonight on the movie, The Cove.

Access the chat on-line on FACEBOOK at 8:30 EST. This movie is about the international and deplorable dolphin trafficking trade.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and The Cove director Louie Psihoyos will share an exclusive clip and answer YOUR questions about The Cove DVD Featurette "Mercury Rising." Winner of Audiences Awards around the world, The Cove was just named Best Documentary by the National Board of Review and has been shortlisted for the Academy Awards

We invite the PB Post, the Lake Worth Herald as well as those who made light of this disgusting issue during the recent Mayoral campaign, to tune in--listen and learn--to what Robert Kennedy, Jr. has to say about dolphin dealing. Perhaps he will be more credible than the average citizen who spoke out during the election and continues to do so.

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