Saturday, December 12, 2009

Caffeine, the Daily Newspaper and ACORN

To me, it would be a real tragedy if newspapers don’t survive. I had dinner with someone last night and he said that he was going to drop his daily paper. I can’t envision that drastic consideration. Sitting down with that first cup of coffee and the Palm Beach Post is a great way to begin my day. And today is no exception.

On page two was a little blurb about ACORN. Yes, I have been silent about them lately. I was hoping that they were debunked…and flushed down the hall of shame, and I wouldn’t have to think about them again…not to be.

A Federal judge ruled yesterday that the government’s move to cut off funding to them was illegal because “what they do is in the public’s interest.” Judge, you didn’t ask me. What about all Acorn’s abuse, fraud and waste? Does that not count for anything? First of all, if you recall, the Justice Department back several weeks ago said that old government contracts can be honored. Now some liberal judge says that it can continue to get all those federal grants—your money and mine!

Just think about this a moment. We have a Commissioner who hates government but is an elected official of government and one who was just exonerated on an ethics complaint. Government appoints these judges that now has reinstated Acorn LIKE they are friends of the family. Cara, please reconsider the Pledge. This Country is the greatest for looking after groups and people who reinvent themselves and pull scams on the citizens. It’s sort of like playing the “race card” and people actually believing it…like the Judge. Every loser and deadbeat gets a chance to scam again and again. Just tell a judge that you are helping the low income and minority home buyers and you literally get the silver platter. This country is moving rapidly towards Socialism. I know. There are plenty of you out there who believe that as much as you believe in global warming.

Well, we didn’t get ACORN in Lake Worth during the last election but will we now see them for the 2010 Census? Annabeth?

A cup of coffee and the local newspaper can drive you NUTS. Now on to page three.

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