Saturday, December 12, 2009

Amendment 4

Post Editorial on Amendment 4

Just when I think that the Editorial Staff at the Post is getting just a wee bit conservative in its views, reality punches you in the face once again. The only things wrong with this editorial are--well, just about everything.

"The inmates running the asylum....that's what's happened in probably every agency over the past few decades...agencies are run by those they are supposed to regulate. At least with Amendment 4 we bust through that old way of doing business. Amendment 4 recognizes that land use is politics and subject to abuse by those with discretion and changes that by broadening the pool of decision makers," says Lesley Blackner, Chair of Florida Hometown Democracy.

And just when I think the Post is "getting it," it stays true to its self. No wonder that friend of mine wants to drop his newspaper. Now to the Local section.

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