Monday, November 9, 2009

Political ad

A segment of an e-mailed political ad from Dr. Varela-

Dear Lynn, On Tuesday, November 17th, 2009, you have an opportunity to take back your city. A runoff election will take place for the mayoral seat for Lake Worth and we are asking for your vote. We face many challenges for the future success of Lake Worth and as your Mayor, I will bring a new vision and a logical perspective to solving these issues. Your vote is imperative to ensure we get the city we all love back on track.

My comments: Take back my city from what?
  • Do you want to take back the city from those who kicked Greater Bay out of town, a company that wanted to get hold of our beach for 43 years and was allowed to go around our Charter because of a previous commission?
  • Do you want to take back the city from a Commission that finally voted on a plan to revitalize our beach and that negotiated saving decal parking spaces?
  • Do you want to take back our city and allow the same old corruption that allowed The Lucerne to be built with no public parking spaces as promised and no set-backs?
  • Do you want to take back our city from those who voted to go with the Sheriff’s Department that is deploying faster than our former police and has more men on the streets? You say that you want to work closely with them to make sure that they are doing their jobs?
  • Or do you want to take back our city from those who voted to retain our own police and make it more efficient and affordable than the Sheriff and a department where we could control expense?
  • Do you want to take back our city from those who voted NOT to give away our waste water as it is a valuable resource?
  • Do you want to take back our city from those who voted to go back to developing our own reverse Osmosis System and to use the bond money that the taxpayers voted for years ago for the RO? And there is nothing wrong with our utility that good management can not solve.
  • Do you want to take back our city from those who voted to exit FMPA, our energy provider that has charged an arm and a leg to Lake Worth?
  • Do you want to take back our city from those who voted to spend $250,000 in a matching grant to get a plan in place for an infrastructure study for The Park of Commerce?
  • Do you want to take back our city from all five commissioners who just voted to save our waterfront pocket parks from the power grab of private property owners? We understand that you do.
  • Do you want to take back the city from all five commissioners who voted to stop the up-zoning of Sunset and keep it a single family residential community per our Comp Plan?
  • Do you want to take back our city from a mayoral candidate who as Chair of Citizens Come First went out on a successful referendum and retained two year terms and run-off elections for the City of Lake Worth? These ballot initiatives passed overwhelmingly by the voters of Lake Worth.

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