Monday, November 9, 2009

Immigration and Dolphins - The Post Editorial

Post Editorial
Although the title of this editorial is "Bring Publix to Lake Worth" the real meat of the editorial is about dolphins and immigration--illegal immigration.

Randy Schultz in today’s editorial in the Palm Beach Post says that dolphins and immigration are side issues and not important to what matters in Lake Worth. I totally disagree with the Post which is getting to be the norm these days.

Yes, let’s bring Publix to Lake Worth. We already have a Publix in Lake Worth less than a mile from the location of the proposed facility. When any company is coming to Lake Worth, it is responsible for our City Commission to ask the tough questions and to negotiate well. They are going to heavily impact our resources by a high usage of electricity. Although Publix is a responsible company, the questions should be asked and answers given before the fact, not after. We have been known for not negotiating well for the citizens of Lake Worth. We are giving Publix one-half million dollars. We have the right to ask all the questions we want and to get the answers.

Illegal immigration was not discussed during this campaign by any candidate. No forum brought the issue up even though it was asked by Lake Worth citizens at many of the meetings. Scott Maxwell did not make it an issue. I wish that he had. It is a very important issue here. When you have elected officials breaking the law, it is important. Our own Shuffleboard Court building, that was used by the Seniors, was turned over to a group that finds jobs for undocumented workers (illegal aliens). This is against the law. This is a group that encourages illegals to come to our country violating Federal and State law. Scott Maxwell does not have anti-immigrant sentiments as the Post suggests. The Post’s opinion that Maxwell is more capable overall than Ron Exline is an opinion and unfounded.

Dolphin trafficking was not discussed during this campaign either. It should have been. When you have a candidate who insists that he is a conservationist and one who is there to rescue animals that would have otherwise been harmed, it is an issue and tells a lot about character. There is proof positive that his company was involved in the capture of wild dolphins for profit and that 1 out of 2 are harmed or killed in the process. Dr. Varela was there to ensure that these animals were healthy before shipped off for huge profits. If he was there to rescue these animals why then were they not released back to the sea? He was not endorsed by the only environmental group giving an endorsement, The Sierra Club, but his opponent was. It is true that Varela got the most votes but 61% of the voters voted for someone else.

I agree with the Post that we have enough issues within our borders but dolphin trafficking and illegal immigration affects this City, one indirectly and the other is right in our face.

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