Thursday, November 5, 2009

Palm Beach Post screws up AGAIN

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The local newspapers just keep screwing around with the name EXLINE. A few years ago when Ron Exline ran for office, the Lake Worth Herald printed that he was Jim Exline's father. This was DURING the election. This was totally made up hype. They gave a retraction and it appeared in the Pelican Pete column with little sympathy for the egregious error.

Ron Exline is not related to Jim Exline; he doesn't even know him.

Today a Letter to the Editor appeared in the Palm Beach Post. Don't you think the Post should be more responsible? Randy?

Corruption may bubble up without a watchdog

In George Bennett's recent article about a Palm Beach County ethics czar, he mentioned that Tony Masilotti, Warren Newell, Mary McCarty, Ray Liberti and Ron Exline all went to prison for corruption. There probably will be others without doing anything. I don't think that we should spend enormous amounts of money for an extra ethics watchdog.




  1. Lynn,

    I find it rather amusing that you are bringing to the forefront a mix up in people. This is something you are guilty of as well. One finger pointing out and three pointing back.

  2. This morning the Post retracted its error.

  3. A retraction doesn't do much good once the false,damaging lie has been put out to the public by a supposedly reliable source. What did Mark Twain say ? "A lie can make it around the world before the truth gets done tying his shoes "or something like that.Jose Lambiet(?) in his page two column DURING THE ELECTION last year, stated that RON EXLINE was going to jail.Not JIM, but Ron! There was never a retraction by the POST. Not real helpful when you're trying to get elected.

  4. Not sure about the finger pointing thing but I will say this--

    I see good in each candidate running, as well as every elected official now in office. I also accept that not everyone will view issues the same as I and vote accordingly. It doesn't make the other person an ogre just because I disagree with what they say or what they have done on some occasions or that all of a sudden one egregious act I should condemn them for eternity. I will, however, write about it.

    Staff as well as those running for office or our elected officials are fair game in what they say and what they do. Most all politicians are full of bull.

    I have said before that Cara takes one step forward and then the next day it is one step back. I try to give my opinion on both pros and cons not only for her but for anyone up there.

    It is a confusing city.
