Saturday, November 14, 2009

E-mail just received

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: Rene will SLOW the city's progress down....

Look at this line in BOLD below from the Post today… this is ANOTHER wrench Rene is throwing into the mix. LAST YEAR he was for the casino – this year he says it can wait. What is this guy really all about? What DOES he actually stand for?

Dr. Varela says the switch to the sheriff's office has proven to be a great success, not only improving citizen morale but dropping crime throughout the city."He thinks that the casino can wait while the city figures out what to do.In the meantime, the city should do what is necessary to collect the county's $5 million grant to upgrade the beach.

We KNOW what to do and are in the process of doing it.

Rene, what are you talking about that the casino can wait…?

Can someone out here answer this?


  1. I like the comment on the Sheriff's Department even more. A great success? Prove it that crime is dropping. Please, Rene, tell us how we are going to continue to be able to AFFORD IT? Perhaps after the Park of Commerce is built out in another decade or two?

    The Casino will be restored and paid for on a Revenue Bond. We will also have income from parking and our pier.

  2. I'm sure that the group that pooled their money to buy Rene want us to all wait another year so that they can put commissioners in to give away our beach. Well, not totally GIVE away -some people will be paid off by Mr. P quite well if he can finally get the beach flipped to himself.
