Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's going on with Code?

Owner of 1201 N H St with her attorney, Cary Sabol, new member of our CRA and code enforcement office Kerry Hurley

Curious as to what is going on with our Code Enforcement, I headed down to the Special Magistrate’s meeting this morning at City Hall.

There were 67 cases on the Agenda. 30 were discussed with only one owner bothering to show up to appear before the Magistrate. Her case was settled from a fine of $15,000 to $1,500 payable within 6 months. This is a property consisting of two rental units located at 1201 N ‘H’ Street, owned by Trade Winds Investment Partners and involved a licensure issue. Further checking on this owner, ad valorem tax for 2008 is unpaid in the amount of $3,770.92.

Our Code officers are still in limbo not knowing if they will be given other jobs within our City. They have not yet been terminated but they have no idea of their status.

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