Thursday, September 17, 2009

Park ING Day Event - Play Day in Lake Worth

2008 Park (ING) Day announcement at City Hall

National Park ING Day will be on Friday, September 18. The Downtown Cultural Alliance and the CRA are sponsoring it. Park ING Day is held annually on one day where our neighborhood associations are involved in temporarily transforming an existing allocated space in the parking lot at J and Lucerne into temporary public parks. Stop by tomorrow afternoon and see several of the same people who want to redesign our parking lots at the beach for seaoats. The only difference here is $5 million dollars and it is only "play."

They say that the purpose of the event is to promote creativity, civic engagement, critical thinking, social interaction, generosity and PLAY.

Well, why not? Turn a parking lot into a park? Will we see Michael Singer there? We have nothing pressing in this city at the moment. This was a great place for politicians to politic last time around. And the merchants love it--it brings people to the downtown. You do remember Dave Vespo sitting on a throne, right? They all spent the entire day there "playing" by turning asphalt into little parks.

The purpose of the event is to promote creativity, civic engagement, critical thinking, social interaction, generosity and PLAY. Oh, did I already say that?

Just think if all those participants combined all of that energy and cleaned up a city block. They could even start with the Shuffleboard Court Building. What a difference they could make. But as I said, we don't have any pressing problems here in Lake Worth, not even parking. Do we?

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