Saturday, September 26, 2009

Squeeze us Dry

Cartoon by Diana Summers, Orlando Sentinel

This just goes right along with my thoughts below on taxes. Diana Summers cartoon was in today's Post and it really hit the nail right on the head. The solution for cities is to get your last dime on everything imaginable.

The City of Lake Worth and its Staff went down every line item raising fees every where it could and our Commission showed no mercy on the taxpayers of Lake Worth. They nit picked us to death. A 50% increase in beach parking as an example. Pathetic. Get the meters fixed over there perhaps then you would get some revenue. Fine the deadbeats who don't pay.

My fear is what will happen next year as all predictions say it will not be better. Will the city be more efficient? Will the town further deteriorate because of NO code enforcement and NO plan in effect? What can we expect? This is a challenge for any candidate running for election.

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