Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rene's Flier

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Great flier, 22 by 11 tri-fold. I vote this flier, as far as visuals, the top of the campaign so far. Lots of photos, lots of pearly whites, Tanya and the dogs. Only one big gigantic mistake,
If you are going to work as hard as the people do to straighten out this city then we are ALL DOOMED. Trust me when I say that. Just drive down any street we have and look at the slum and the blight. Just ask the normal, average resident on anything happening within our city. They have NO clue. Even the few that are "in the know" have differing opinions and thoughts.

It's not that our housing stock is not affordable. It is the taxes on everything. It is our high electric rates, our water rates, our stormwater and solid waste. It is City Hall going up on all fees to compensate for the waste. It is our City raising ad-valorem by 10%. It is no-bid contracts. It is all the crap going on behind the scenes that gets us into big do do. It is getting into one bad deal after another with no way out but to continue on or count our tremendous losses and start over.

No one wants to buy here now and anyone opening a business here is taking a big risk.

I have no doubt that Rene is committed. I think he meant to say "A Mayor who cares about Lake Worth as much as you do!" It's just that I expect him to work a whole lot harder than I do.


  1. morning, lynn,

    hey, another candidate for municipal office says on their blog, "I thought we couldn't use city buildings on our campaign materials."

    Do you have any idea what the real skinny on that is? thanks.

  2. I am not 100% certain but I belueve that is true and it is covered in Fla Statutes. I will check on that and post when I get definitive info.

  3. After reading Fla Statutes, I see nothing illegal about using a city building in your campaign flier. I will check with the City Clerk on Monday. In the meantime, there are people complaining about the fact that Varela, once again, did not put the word "for" Mayor on his literature. On the front page of this one, he does say "for mayor" but the line right beneath this does not have the word "for." Personally, I am not in to nit picking to this degree and fully understand Rene's intent here. I don't believe that he is trying to take unfair advantage nor is he implying that he IS the mayor. Just my opinion.

  4. This was an extremely well done flier.Even though Lawrence Macnamera is my first choice for mayor, I have to give Rene credit for this mailer! Katie
