Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Rebuilt Treasure - the Lake Worth Pier

960 foot Lake Worth Pier

It was Labor Day weekend five years ago when our Lake Worth Pier was destroyed by Hurricane Frances. Over this weekend, the Pier will have hundreds of visitors paying the $1 just to walk to the end and look at the breathtaking sights as well as to enjoy fishing for $3.

We, in Lake Worth, thought it an endless construction job. "When will it ever open," we asked as we drove around cranes and construction vehicles. Daily we looked at 1/4 of our upper level parking taken as a staging area. Building the pier 5 feet higher than the original pier delayed its construction as well as work under Benny's. If waves reach the height of the pier, it is designed so water can wash through the concrete beams.

We now have the best pier anywhere. Don't you agree? While you are visiting the beach and our Pier over this weekend, stop for a moment and ask yourself, "Where would I rather park?...upper level or down below the dune or even have to take a bus to the beach as one candidate has advocated. Think about that when you are there over this Holiday weekend as thousands look for convenient parking or just want to drive up the loop road to view the Atlantic Ocean. Soon all of that will be gone.

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