Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is it all in the genes?

This was the most intriguing article on the front page of today's Post by Jane Musgrave.

The horrible murders happened in 1955 right at the time our family was getting ready to move back to New Jersey. Prior to that, my Mother at one time was secretary to the City Manager of West Palm Beach and knew all the main principals in this gruesome crime (Judge Chillingworth who was murdered along with his wife and Joe Peel, the mastermind behind the murders) as they came into the Court House on a daily basis. It took 5 years to get the evidence and eventually two of the three involved went to prison. One of the guys who gave evidence and was given immunity worked at the Firestone Store at 1st and Dixie in West Palm Beach which is no longer there. In the late 60's, I worked at that same location involved in Credit.

Hats off to Jane Musgrave for a very interesting story regarding the connection with A. Clark Cone and Joe Peel and tying in blood lines.

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