Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Missing Peacock

"Our" peacock is missing. He has lived here for 5 years and now has not been seen for the past 5 days. If anyone has spotted him, please get in touch with me. He has now lost his feathers. It is the end of mating season. There are a lot of worried people in our community.

Someone said they saw a couple of men with a net trying to capture one on the other side of Lake Osborne. We hope that he has not befallen any harm as there are all sorts of predators in Lake Worth.

Our peacock was lonely but led a stress free life here. He had a couple of cats as friends and they would sit together during the day, eat from the same bowl and drink from the same container. These cats were his only companions. I remember one of the cats when he first spotted this big bird. He sat there looking up in awe knowing that he had no chance against this bird. He succumbed and decided it was better to be friends.

This summer he started to strut a little farther and began to sleep at night in a different Pine tree right above the Trailer Park on 6th Avenue South. He squawked a lot this year. We worry some idiot killed him for food.

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