Tuesday, September 8, 2009

From a Tax Pro

Due to a Federal Tax Lien on a candidate for Mayor, that was for the period ending 12-31-2003, this is what a tax pro says--

"Pay up! You don't want to find out. It means you have not paid taxes due, and these are not wiped out in bankruptcy. It means you have made no attempt to pay taxes owed, have not set up a payment plan and have not made monthly payments, and they're coming after you. The consequences of your series of bad choices are coming at you! The liens can be put against any property you own, against any assets, bank deposits, salary, etc.

You don't want the IRS on your back!! They are not quick in the chase, but they are relentless."

Is this what it means to have the "most aggressive campaign in Lake Worth's history?"

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