Thursday, August 20, 2009

E-mail to the City Manager and Commission on Code Enforcement

Comment Up
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:34 PM
Subject: Code Enforcement

Dear Mayor and Commissioners--

City Manager Stanton says that she is re-organizing this department. In actuality, and in my opinion, you are eliminating positions that are vital to cleaning up our City. We need more code enforcement officers, not less. What is the biggest challenge we face in our City? It is obvious to me every time I drive down one of our city streets.

To eliminate four code inspectors out of eight and one of those is paid for by the CRA, is unacceptable. We need to find a way to retain the services of these great employees desperately needed in our city. We need to keep them in Code. To move one to a new department for training residents on how to lower their electric bill is a foolish waste of human resources. You can include that information in a flyer with the bill.

Until we clean up the slum and the blight, we will never rise from the ashes. This is a daily challenge 24/7/365 and code violations are throughout this city, from corner to corner. No one is exempt (with the exception of my neighborhood :)

Please reconsider this reorganization in the Code Department and retain our hardworking employees: Geoff Handley, Tamica Clinton, Sophia Raymond, Joel Rutsky and Ronny Beltran.

Thank you for any consideration you can give to this extremely serious situation.

Lynn Anderson


  1. Lynn I agree with your concern regarding code. Too bad the commissioners you supported do not believe in a zero tolerance policy on code and laws. Jennings, Mulvehill and Golden could care less about code.

  2. Thanks for your post on this subject. I don't know where you get your assumptions or how you arrive at who I supported or what Commissioners do not care about Code. Please give me some specifics. In the meantime, please put pressure on our Commission to do the right thing in our City--clean up the mess.

  3. Someone said that they were laying off all code officers. This is difficult to believe.

  4. Lynn, do you think you will get a reply from anyone?

  5. I have never received a formal reply from any Commissioner on any subject, nor have I received a reply from the City Manager. So the answer to your question is "no."

  6. This is really horrible to know that code people will be gone. Whatever is the manager thinking here? We are in crisis mode in Lake Worth and our city is in shambles. Everyone wants to move out.

  7. Lynn are you saying you did not support Jennings, Golden and Mulvehill? It's a known fact that Jennings and Golden want less code enforcement and Mulvehill follows their lead.

  8. In those is the scenario--

    1. Jennings. I gave a contribution to all three who were running in her District. I never waved a sign for Jennings. I was invited to a fund raiser but never attended.

    2. Jo-Ann Golden. I did not give a contribution nor did I wave a sign. I was never invited to a fund raiser.

    3. Suzanne Mulvehill. I did not give a contribution nor did I wave a sign. I was never invited to a fund raiser.

    Your statement that the three of them want less code or that Mulvehill is following their lead is unfounded. Mulvehill is her own person. Golden's ideas are more in tune with Jennings on some issues,I believe, but she is not for eliminating code enforcement. I have no idea where Jennings stands on the issue.

    Elected officials need to listen to the people they represent, not their own agenda. Yesterday I asked them all their official position and where they stand on Code. If I get a reply, I will post it.

  9. What is Ms Stanton's rational for her reduction of code personnel? What is her plan to fight blight and enforce our codes with less inspectors ? Katie Mcgiveron

  10. This is to report that I received a series of e-mails yesterday from City Manager Stanton on the Code Enforcement problem. I still do not have an explanation or her solution as to what she is doing, where she is going or how she expects our code laws to be enforced. If I get further info, will post it.
