Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Undocumented immigrants?" Tell it Like it Is

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I guess no one missed the story entitled “Undocumented immigrant role model faces deportation” in today’s local section of the Post. Why can’t anyone call it like it is—Illegal Alien. You can’t be undocumented unless you were once documented. Churches, of course, always have to get into the act of agreeing and sympathizing with those who break our laws. Others have to say we are “racist” when we speak out on this issue. Illegal alien is not a race option. Illegal aliens are constantly breaking the law.

Fredy Avellaneda, 27, was hauled here from Mexico by his parents when he was ten years old. He lived in Pahokee and graduated from high school there with honors; he was smart. He wanted to go to college but had no social security card.

I had only three thoughts when I read about Fredy this morning—1) if he was so smart, why did he not try and get documented and 2) if he was so smart, why did he want to continue to be an illegal alien and 3) why didn't Pahokee High School educate these kids on how to become citizens. Yes, it is true--Fredy was hauled here as a child but he has been an adult now for some 9 years. It is a knee jerk reaction to think how horrible this is for Fredy the former choir boy getting rounded up by ICE and all. Did he just go brain dead during the last decade? Did all his “smarts” just disappear?

So he, along with others here illegally and who have learned to ride the system, will probably be given some break and they will hope for Obama to reform our Immigration Policy. In the meantime, our immigration laws continue to be abused, not only by the illegal aliens, but by government itself. There is a law in this country for helping those to invade America; it is called “treason.”

Don’t you think that this should have been a top priority of Pahokee high School to teach these kids how to become legal? ICE was doing its job. Fredy should have done his and taken the steps to become legal.


  1. "You can’t be undocumented unless you were once documented."

    Of course you can!

  2. Well, goody. Give me an example of how you become UNdocumented. By the simple definition of the word, you can't be UNdocumented unless you have been documented. You probably mean non-documented.

  3. As a teacher, I have to agree with Lynn. Non means the absence of, whereas un means the reversal of something that was.

  4. It is a big problem in this country and just joins the ranks of one of many. No one is doing anything about it and now Obama wants to have socialized medicine and give illegals free medical care.

  5. I had to respond to the Obama thing. He can't be blamed for it all. :) This is what he says:

    Asked by CBS News' Katie Couric in an exclusive interview whether illegal immigrants should be covered under a new health care plan, President Obama responded simply, "no." But he said there may need to be an exception to that policy for children.

    "First of all, I'd like to create a situation where we're dealing with illegal immigration, so that we don't have illegal immigrants," he said. "And we've got legal residents or citizens who are eligible for the plan. And I want a comprehensive immigration plan that creates a pathway to achieve that."

    "The one exception that I think has to be discussed is how are we treating children," he continued. "Partly because if you've got children who may be here illegally but are still in playgrounds or at schools, and potentially are passing on illnesses and communicable diseases, that aren't getting vaccinated, that I think is a situation where you may have to make an exception."
