Saturday, July 25, 2009

Robert Helta

I am very sorry to learn of the death of
Helta, Robert K., 64, of Lake Worth, who died on April 1 .

I didn't save too many e-mails from Bob but one in my file from December is as follows:
Just sent another email re: CRA:

"This will be the second e-mail regarding my disapproval of the outrageous pay increase for the CRA Director.

At a time when our city is in financial distress cutting services and employees, how could such a irresponsible decision be made? Are we not living in the state of reality and dealing with the same issues. The CRA does not generate funds for the city , it spends them and as the past has shown ~ NOT too wisely!

I live in district 4 and feel that this city is digging itself deeper in debt with every unwise decision it makes, this pay increase just being another.

I expect to receive a reply from one of the people my tax dollars help to support.



As you can see, Bob only had a few more months to live but he was still standing up for his beliefs until the end. He found me on the Internet and we became friends through e-mails and common beliefs. I had no idea how to reach him--he did not answer his phone nor his e-mails. I assumed that he just had moved from the area, fed up to the hilt. Someone tried to take-over his web sites just awhile back, posting all the crap that some do in this City.

I will miss him and am shocked to learn of his death.

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