Sunday, July 26, 2009

Susan Stanton on the Comprehensive Plan

“After extensive conversations with the Department of Community Affairs and legal counsel, it has been determined that the most prudent way of proceeding with resolving the zoning issue associated with the Sunset property, is for the City Commission to rescind the property land-use zoning that was approved regarding the Sunset Property at the time it was annexed into the City.

While the property owner may ultimately begin litigation concerning the City’s decision to rescind the zoning associated with this property, it is the City’s belief that this potential action will not have any impact on the City’s ability to transmit the Comprehensive Plan directly to the DCA for review and ultimate approval.

At this point in time, the administration will be planning to submit the rescinding of the Sunset Property land-use/zoning for its first reading at the August 4th Commission Meeting. Additional activities associated with obtaining approval for the Comprehensive Plan will be the submittal of the City’s Capital Improvement Program directly to DCA for an informal cursory review on July 20th and the transmittal for the City Commission review and approving the water supply plan is set for August 19th which will follow the Planning and Zoning Commission’s review and approval.”


  1. Yay--it's about time!

  2. This is great news. Single family neighborhoods need to stay preserved within our city. Thanks to the Sunset people, Katie, Lynn and everyone for working so hard on this. thanks also to a sensible city commission.
