Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bill Ramos for State Senator District 28

Joe Negron, Republican, gives the same old argument: if you don't like what someone does in office, you can vote them out. This does not work! We know it. He knows it. We have seen first-hand right here in Lake Worth the damage caused by elected officials. By the time you vote them out, millions of tax money has been wasted.

Democrat Bill Ramos asks, “Do we continue to elect the same people who are beholden to the same groups and agendas that have lead us to where we are, or do we dare vote for leaders who are unafraid and innovative enough to lead us into the new future we so desperately need?" We can answer that for you Bill.

There is no other choice but to vote for Bill Ramos and here are a few reasons why:

He supports the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan

He believes in a sustainable way to run our State and wants to ensure that we remain a tourist destination

He wants fair taxes for corporations as well as individuals and wants to bring our budget under control

He knows that we cannot continue to allow developers to pave all over our State

HE IS FOR YES ON 4 in 2010!

So, all of you in this District, Remember Ramos on August 4 in this special election.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Lynn, to capture this excellent footage. And good for Ramos!
