Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Political Seed - Dying on the Vine

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Not once did I hear a CRA Board member say what needed to be said—drastically cut the budget. The truth of the matter, and looking at the cold hard facts square in the eye, were non-existent. Eliminating programs and really reducing this CRA budget that was presented by Staff was not considered. Reality did not cross their minds last night--they will have $2 million dollars less to work with than they had. Donna made an attempt, got shot down, but it was really about the big ticket items.

The entire reality was overlooked and skirted over. It was all about justifying its existence for without programs to toss money to, there would be no reason for the CRA. The Chair, Mark Rickards, who I happen to like a lot, even went so far as to suggest that the City pay the utilities on 6th Avenue South and 10th Avenue North. Was it not the signature of the CRA to spend $15 million dollars on these two roads—their claim to fame--their biggest and most expensive failure to date? Now that the economy has tanked, the mindset of the CRA is to keep spending.

Staff was not too thrilled that it most likely will not get money from the City as a supplement and said that it will have to reduce the budget by the amount promised or $500,000. Well, yes, that's smart. You don't have the money; adjust the budget.

The biggest revelation last night was just the Budget in general. Even the Director had no clue as to where $200,000 went. No one can find it. She can’t tell us what monies are left in what line items. No one has a clue. The CRA’s motto--Just give us the money and we will spend it. The Director said even if the NSP Grant does not pan out, she wants to go forward with the Cultural Redevelopment anyway, a project and a direction for which the community had no say. $700,000 is budgeted this year and consultants are under contract. They rarely give updates. “Just pay us our contracting fees,” they say.

What got this country into so much trouble were all the people who bought with money they did not have nor could afford to pay back. They were convinced by bankers and mortgage brokers who were motivated by commissions. Large development projects have been halted in mid-stream…bankruptcies all over the place…businesses that are losers being bailed out by Stimulus and projects waiting for government grants in order to survive.

The CRA, however, won’t budge on its credit card mentality—won’t budge on the Cultural Redevelopment, because, gee, it was the top priority afterall…planting seeds it was said.

It is allowed to exist by the political seed of the 3 to 2 vote.


  1. After what the CRA has done, I don't think we need them any longer. This place still looks like a dump and it's mostly all in the CRA district.

  2. how did the city ever agree to spend that sort of money on these roads? Sort of obscene.

  3. I don't understand what the CRA is. Can you explain what they do? I have been driving on 10th for a very long time and it was really a mess.
