Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mentoring Matters aka....

W-9 Form
I-9 Form

Mentoring matters and so does truth, neither of which are happening here at our local hiring hall. The only truth here is when TruthMatters, aka Wes Blackman, visited the hiring hall on Friday and was given a form for work.

There is not too much difference here in the forms they should be giving to prospective workers. They have to verify. The I-9 form is used for both citizens and non-citizens and proof that they have the right to work in this country. That is the key--PROOF.

"The Form I-9, or more properly called the Employment Eligibility Verification Form, is provided by the federal government for the purpose of verifying an individual’s right to work in the United States. Every employee hired after November 6, 1986 must complete or have completed a Form I-9 at the time of hire." The form is given to them by the prospective employer for them to complete.

The W-9 is also proof that you can work here, taxes are not withheld. You are issued a 1099 for wages and must file them on your income tax return. This is the form given to Wes. Essentially, The Mentoring Center, aka the Illegal Hiring Hall, is saying they are not an employer. By their own admission, we also know that not all workers who walk through their doors fill out a W-9 form.

When you have laws that are not "tight," and a Commission that sanctions this illegal activity, certain things like this can occur that allows our City to inadvertently or knowingly become an accomplice to a group that is ignoring Federal law. At the same time, they are making money from the very same entity to whom they are thumbing their noses. You have to wonder whose fault this REALLY IS.

It was up to The Mentoring Center to inform the City of Lake Worth that it was their responsibility to issue a 1099 and have each worker complete an I-9. Just because a worker has filed their name, address and phone number with them is no proof that he has the right to work in the U.S.

Anyone who has ever dealt with the government knows there is a lot of waste and pork. The government is an easy mark if you know how to play the system…just operate within a government program and you can qualify for funds. This highly questionable enterprise has conned our government that in turn is allowing them to stay opened in spite of them being a hiring hall for illegal aliens. It can’t get more blatantly dishonest or more stupid than this.

On Tuesday, July 21, we will receive a presentation from Lisa Wilson, Director of The Mentoring Center, informing us that all is well and proceeding according to plan and that they have put hundreds of people in jobs, meals twice a day, and that the entire project has turned out better than they ever dreamed.


  1. Didn't the city sell the Mentoring center by telling everyone that this was the only way to legally get the illegals off of the street corners ? When I was a teenager, Lake Worth police had no problem kicking US off of the beach at night ! I guess I was just too dumb to not go screaming to the ACLU.

  2. Why does the city continue with this illegal operation?

  3. We have homeowners in this City who are losing their jobs, and facing foreclosure, and yet Ms Jennings has decided our tax Dollars should support and feed the illegals! Shame on all who re-elected this Anti- American
