Friday, July 17, 2009

Like a bad penny...

Vulture hanging around ready to strike

"A recent request was made to the City Clerk's office from a West Palm Beach attorney that required an extensive amount of resources. The attorney requested all records including audio, video tapes, e-mails, notes, files, documents, reports, violation notices, transcripts, agendas, minutes, calendars and correspondence related to the Lake Worth Beach and Casino Redevelopment Project or any dealings with Greater Bay Construction, Inc. or Greater Bay, LP; relating to McCauley etc., et al v City of Lake Worth; relating to the City Commission special meeting on December 3, 2008; and relating to the City Commission special meeting on December 4, 2008."


If they sue, we need to counter-sue and run them out of town.

Con artists just don't give up until they are exposed, caught, fined, jailed, etc. Who is this guy who is always smiling, just like Bernie.


  1. Do tell, what do vultures "strike"?

  2. In this case, it is Willard's lawyer with Willard riding on the wings--ready to pick the flesh from the bones of the City of Lake Worth...scavengers going after money in any way they can dream up.

  3. I hope the city tells Willard "Bring it, fat boy", and then gets testimony from all of the people and companies up North that Willard has conned ! They can also bring up how Willard screwed the city on the pool deal.( How much money did Laura Hanna's friend , O'Gorman , make off of the city )? The previous Commission / staff should be slapped for not checking out this snake.

  4. Greater Bay is the biggest joke that came down the pike. that company was so far out of its league. They can't even do a pool right. There was vespo about to give it away.
