Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dania, watch out

Lake Worth Leaders Question contracts ex-manager signed

Can't even sit down to a good cup of coffee without reading about Lake Worth these days and the decisions they make. Today's article was on Bob Baldwin and his despicable act on his last day here in Lake Worth...not his last day he was paid to do the job. There is a distinction. Actually, when he got his new job, we should have told Mr. Baldwin, adios, escorted him to his car under security, but there were some, such as Commissioner Lowe, who liked him, said he was a nice guy and thought we just could not do without him.

The Mayor goes on the record, again, saying "In my mind, he had the right to give every one of these people three year contracts." Mayor, you aren't running again, are you?

A good source told me that the Mayor gave Baldwin the go-ahead. If true, Mayor Clemens must have looked into the mirror that morning and morphed into Lois Frankel.

Commissioner Mulvehill had every right to bring this up. There was a court reporter there for the entire meeting and no one could quite understand that. Bob thought he might get sued even though he was doing some heavy talking behind the scenes trying to contact all the commissioners the weekend prior to the meeting..."please don't sue me."

He pulled a fast one but everyone does when it comes to our City but we sure don't need the Mayor being a party to the deception by agreement.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of being escorted out- Karns,our thankfully EX city attorney ,should have been escorted out of the building IMMEDIATELY, and his office locked. There is no telling what he did behind the scenes before he left.Rachael"BOOTS" Bach and Laura Hanna actually tried to get him a job as head of code enforcement.Ms Stanton showed up for her job as City Manager early and put an end to that little plot.What a den of thieves!Our head of utilities,the cheerleader for FMPA, and still a charter member of the "faves for friends" club , is still a liar that needs to go. She has wasted MILLIONS on her extremely questionable watch.Hopefully Ms Stanton's plunger is poised for another much needed flush of the "Stinky Staff" toilet.
