Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cheney on the right track?

For eight years, the CIA withheld information from Congress on a clandestine counter-terrorism program. Congress has just now learned of this because Leon Panetta, the Director of the CIA has just spilled the beans after he found out less than 3 weeks ago.

We have been so concerned about water boarding, who knew, who didn’t, is it torture, and our image at Guantanamo Bay, that perhaps we are over-reacting to this breaking news. The CIA collects information so that our government can make decisions in the best interests of our country. Terrorism is a very real threat. Afterall, isn’t "secret" supposed to be just that? Isn't that what the CIA does?

When I was a kid, the man across the street worked for the CIA. I remember asking about it but it was always, "Shhhhh, don't say CIA." It was always hush, hush, top secret stuff and you knew that he was protecting our country that it was even more important than the FBI because you could at least ask a question about them.

In today's precarious world, it is good to know that we have an organization such as this that has always held itself to the highest of standards. Perhaps we will never have a World Trade Tower terrorism act in this country again. I would like to learn more about this counter-terrorism program that Panetta just ended. We are at war with terrorists, aren't we?

1 comment:

  1. Congress is full of it and so is Pelosi.
