Wednesday, July 29, 2009


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It used to be M&M's that were my weakness; now it is chocolate covered raisins!
Up 50 cents from $2.50 for an 11 oz bag to $2.99

It is estimated that 300,000 more workers will now lose their jobs due to the new minimum wage that just came unto effect on Friday...up 11%. Great timing, wouldn't you say? Wages go up 11% and Raisinetes go up 20%. Campbell soup that used to sell for 89 cents a can a year ago or so is now priced at $1.67 cents a can. Campbell's says it is the price of packaging and raw material costs. Always something but never greed.

With this minimum raise comes higher prices and I noticed that again prices were up at our local Publix yesterday. You have to wonder why there are constant increases there. Even this minimum wage barely affects our State as we have always paid a higher minimum wage than mandated by federal law...$7.21. So a 4 cent increase will not be noticed.

Yesterday at Publix, there was one distinct difference --Management has told every worker to be friendly, smile and tell us to have a great day. They think it will psychologically ease the pain of increased costs for just about everything. Smile at the customer while he is getting screwed. I told them instead of a great day that I would appreciate the cost of goods going down, not up, and I would be able to put up with a little grumpiness from time to time.

Some experts are blaming the price of food commodities, up by 30%, on ethanol production. Some are also saying it is labor and retail costs that are the culprits. More than likely it is energy costs, the weak dollar and unregulated speculation in the futures market. The blame is Hedge Funds. The manager at Publix last year blamed it on futures and I think that he was being forthright.

A 20% increase every time you turn around is getting very old! Publix, must be factoring in this wage increase for all the States in which they do business as an excuse to raise prices and charging now for its speculation in futures. Either that or it is paying the salary for the extra help to continually change the price on all goods from week to week--definitely a full time job.


  1. The only thing I have seen go down a little is gasoline. This is all being carefully controlled too. How does the government say we have no inflation?

  2. I love raisinets, too. Are the dark chocolate ones better than the good ol' original, Lynn?
    Ever since I was a little kid, maybe about 45 years ago, I loved them! Ya never throw your raisinets when you're at the movies - mostly just black jujyfruits and the occasional jaw breaker....popcorn didn't hurl so far....and one day I threw a giant fountain Coke!
    Those were the days....
    Now I'll have to buy me a box a.s.a.p.!

  3. Lynn, you know all that chocolate isnt good for your teeth. Dont get hooked on Hoffmans chocolates. Love them. Dark chocolate better in my opinion. Dark chocolate covered cherries, Dark chocolate fudge, Dark chocolate covered marshmellow. Most of it is great.

  4. ....still haven't made it to Publix for my raisinets. Maybe today!

  5. I loved JUJUBES! They would almost pull the fillings right out of your head. I hate to admit it, but they spit pretty good ,too. (Hey,how else would you get that cute boy's attention in the dark Saturday morning "Fun Shows ")? All right folks- we all need to start to grow some of our own food ! Gardens for EVERYONE-and if you don't have a yard- get involved with the lake Worth Community Garden project. I know, I know,we can't grow a gallon of milk, but every little bit will help.Katie Mcgiveron
